This questionnaire (click HERE to access it) aims to reveal the feelings and opinions of hospitality (hotel) professionals regarding some important human resources issues challenging their industry. Findings will help industry stakeholders in investigating contemporary HRM practices with the aim of further developing an anthropocentric and sustainable hospitality workplace.
If you have any comments, suggestions or questions regarding the study, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Anastasios Zopiatis at 25-002502 (e-mail: anastasios.zopiatis@cut.ac.cy) or Dr. Katerina Pericleous at 25-002403 (e-mail: katerina.pericleous@cut.ac.cy). The study is conducted in collaboration with the Cyprus Hotel Managers Association, as stipulated in the memorandum of cooperation signed between the two parties.
There are no right or wrong answers. What is important is that you respond to each statement as honestly as you can. Your responses are confidential, and your privacy is assured.
The questionnaire contains the following four sections:
Section A: Benefits and other work-related issues
Section B: Job Satisfaction and Career Growth/ Development
Section C: Turnover Intentions, Stress and Job Insecurity
Section D: Demographics and other General Related Information