Guidelines for meeting the minimum standards for sustainability in hotel establishments.
Cyprus Hotel Managers Association supports the program of CTO (now Deputy Ministry of Tourism) to become a leading destination in sustainable tourism, ensuring maximum economic benefits to local people, conserving and enhancing the natural environment and promoting local culture and heritage.
One of the key initiatives as part of this programme is building a framework of mandatory minimum standards for sustainability. These will support all hotels in Cyprus to take steps towards improving their sustainability performance. One of the outcomes is that the CTO have now incorporated minimum standards for sustainability into quality standards.
A guide assists hoteliers in complying with the minimum standards, and inspectors in the assessment process. The guide is set out in three parts:
Part 1:
Guidance for the hotels on the five sections of the minimum standards for sustainability and the practical steps they need to take to comply with them.
Part 2:
Guidance for inspectors to assess whether the hotels are complying with each of the five sections of the standards.
Part 3
An appendix including useful sources of information as well as templates and practical ideas for implementing the standards.
More detailed information can be found